"If your dominant intent is to feel joy while you are doing the work, your triad of intentions—freedom, growth and joy—will come quickly and easily into alignment. See your "career" as one of creating a joyful life experience. You are not a creator of things or a regurgitator of what someone else has created or a gatherer of stuff. You are a creator, and the subject of your creation is your joyful life experience. That is your mission. That is your quest. That is why you are here."
The next topic for the 4 at 4 (every Tuesday at 3107 Quennell Road) will be the quote:
"Love is all around you. You search for love outside yourself when love is all around you. Love is everywhere, but you need to have the eyes to see." ~from The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz peace and love
"Always do your best. Practice makes the master. By doing your best over and over you can master the art of transformation. By doing your best, the habits of misusing your word, taking things personally, and making assumptions will become weaker and weaker and less frequent with time."
"Awareness is always the first step because if you are not aware, there is nothing you can change. If you are not aware that your mind is full of wounds and emotional poison, you cannot begin to clean and heal the wounds and you will continue to suffer." ~ from The Four Agreements, page 99, by Don Miguel Ruiz