For this Tuesday at 4pm we will be contemplating the quote:
"I follow every instinct I was born with. The wisdom of my instincts guides me to be happy, to enjoy life, to play, to love, to fulfill my needs."
~ from The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel and Jose Ruiz
peace and love
Friday, July 01, 2011
Next Tuesday at 4pm the topic will be:
"You are what you believe you are. Humans are powerful magicians. You have the power to make yourself what you are right now, but it's not your reasoning mind that controls your power, it's what you believe."
~ by Don Miguel Ruiz from The Mastery of Love
And and reminder about the revised schedule. It will be 4(5) Agreements every Tuesday at 4 pm. Because of the nature of summer time and people not always showing up and my need to be at the river......I would like a Confirmation by Monday evening by email or phone or leave a message on the phone if you ARE coming. (or on Tuesday anytime if you get a hold of me in person) If I don't hear from anyone, I will assume that no one is coming and I will carry on with my day. The other change for summer time, is that we will most likely be outside and if those that show up really want an Eckhart time we can do that too. Or we will meet at the beach, river ect. Hope to hear from you!!