On Tuesday evening at 7:30 we will re-visit the topic: "You are here to play and have fun. You are the force that plays with your mind and uses your body as its favourite toy to play and have fun with. That is the reason you are here: to play and have fun. You are born with the right to be happy and enjoy life. You are not here to suffer." ~Don Miguel Ruis from The Mastery of Love
On Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 we have a new topic, a card picked be the moderator: "Don't make assumptions. Speak openly and honestly. When you speak openly and honestly you won't have to make assumptions. The day you stop making assumptions, you will communicate cleanly and clearly and achieve impeccability with your word." ~Don Migeul Ruiz from The Four Agreements
Both meetings we also have the option of watching a few minutes of the DVD lectures.
This Tuesday evening at 7:30 we will look at the quote: "You are here to play and have fun. You are the force that plays with your mind and uses your body as its favorite toy to play and have fun with. That is the reason you are here: to play and have fun. You are born with the right to be happy and enjoy life. You are not here to suffer." ~Don Miguel Ruiz from The Mastery of Love
The following Wednesday afternoon at 3:30, the moderator picked the card: "Love has no obligations or expectations. When you love, whatever you do is because you want to do it. It becomes a pleasure, its like a game, and you have fun with it. When you love, you don't expect something to happen, whatever happens is okay, and hardly anything disappoints you." ~Don Miguel Ruiz from The Mastery of Love
On Tuesday evening, the Wisdom Group will be discussing the quote: "Our emotions are real, the voice of knowledge that makes us suffer is not. Our suffering is true, but the reason why we suffer may not be true at all."
~Don Miguel Ruiz from The Voice of Knowledge
On Wednesday afternoon at 3:30, we will be watching a small portion of a video of Don Miguel speaking and then there will be a discussion time to follow.
On Tuesday evening, the Wisdom Group will consider the quote:
"Heaven is here, but we need to have the eyes to perceive it. When our spiritual eyes are open, we see heaven all around us ~ we experience truth, love, and joy. When lies hook our attention, all we see are lies. Our spiritual eyes close, and we fall from the dream of heaven."
~from The Voice of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz
The next meeting, on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30, we will watch a small portion of a DVD with Miguel and Jose speaking and then we will spend some time discussing what was brought forth for each of us.