Today was my first picnic by the river for 2009. A gorgeous sunny day.
The topic for this week's discussion group is:
"Take action without expecting a reward. Do your best and take the action because you love it, not because you expect a reward when you take action without expecting a reward, you enjoy every action, and you can even receive greater rewards than you imagined." ~from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
"There is only one force that moves and transforms everything. The force that moves the stars is the same force that moves the atoms in my body. This force is always present and obvious for me to see, but I cannot see it when my attention is focused on lies."
The topic for this week at The Living the Four Agreement Wisdom Group is:
"Don't take anything personally. Embrace your freedom.
You gain a huge amount of freedom when you take nothing personally. No spell can affect you regardless of how strong it may be. And if you live without fear. If you love. You will be happy with your life."