"I create an image for every secondary character in my story. The only thing I know about the secondary characters is the story I create about them. The truth is that I don't know anyone, and nobody knows me either."
from the Voice of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz
On Thursday afternoon, the quote to ponder is:
"Take your life and enjoy it. You are alive, so take your life and enjoy it. You were born with the right to be happy, to love, and to share your love. Just to be--to take a risk and enjoy your life--is all that matters."
from the 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
The moderator for Thursday asked that we write down 5 ways in which we enjoy ourself and 5 ways in which we enjoy others.
peace and love
Hi. Wasnt that top quote a song or something like that? I have either heard it before in a song or just the quote before. Nice looking kitty cat in your pix. Hope all is well. I will have my pix of the Wisconsin Dells posted later today. I dont have the energy right now. Tweets.
5 Ways I Enjoy Myself:
When I sing
When I dance
When I do yoga
When I meditate
When I swim or go for a walk
(didn't realise how much physical activity made me feel good. and I do so little of it.)
5 Ways I Enjoy Others
When I make love to my partner
Listening to someone's story
Feeling someone's presence in a room
Laughing with someone
wow, a song, what a great concept. The cats name is Benjiman.
Thankyou for the great list! We DO perceive life throught our body, don't we? Great insight!
He looks like hes playing shy with the camera for that pose. Its an OH NO CAMERA type shot. LOL....
Anyway five ways to enjoy myself.
1. reading
2. swimming
3. writing (journaling)
4. The look on some ones face when I give them one of my afghans.
5. my kids.
5 ways to enjoy others
1. being with husband (physically and emotionally)
2. being with kids.
3. laughing with others and crying with others.
4. listening to others speak even if I have no comments.
5. I am not sure if this one counts but making people feel comfortable around me. I can get goofy sometimes and it makes people uncomfortable.
i was going to do this the other day when I commented on kitty and forgot until I went out of the comments.
I think that the primary character is my self-image when I am at home by myself. The secondary characters are the personae that I create in order to present myself to the world depending upon the situation. They would be: the teacher, the artist, the son, the brother, the friend and others. In each image, my perception is molded by how I am percieved as well. All of the above are aspects of the whole image, what is missing is the lover! I wonder if I over compensate to hide this or if people even notice.
Thanks for sharing your extensive list...you have inspired me.
wow, you have given me much to think about.
I had not thought about it from that point of view.
Thats why I love having groups to share wtih cause I can get a glimpse of other perspectives.
About the lover missing for you, I guess in someways we ARE the lover, its a given. Then you can be loving in your role as brother, son, friend ect.
I am glad I inspired some one. LOL.. Happy V-day today. We arent doing much with it. I will make a quiet dinner tonight and then I will put the girls down for bed and then we will watch a movie. If you are curious on what my girls look like they are on my blog now under Wisconsin Dells. We went to the Dells for a vacation last weekend to a water park while daddy played at a chess tournament. It was fun. Well anyway have to fun for now. Have a hungry little girl. Tweets
Agreed! Valentine's day was a blast at school, everyone had a great time!
I think it is a wonderful thing to enjoy life - I hope that you are doing so
I read the other comments and so I'll list the 5 rhings I enjoy doing. 1. gardening 2. reading.3.walking 4. swimming 5. being with my childrena and grandchildred. Will have to think awhile on other people's.
Thanks for your list, Mom.
5 ways in which I enjoy myself are:
Walking in the wild.
Having a nap when I am sleepy.
Giving my dog lovin'.
Completing an art project.
Listening to some healing music.
Taking a loved one on a picnic to a spectacular spot in nature.
Being with a group with the intent of transcending the separate selves.
Drumming in the drumming circle.
Listening to and loving my children.
Sharing exotic and delicious food with others.
5 Ways I Enjoy Myself:
1. When I take a hot bubble bath and light candles and my dog licks my wet toes as I hang my leg over the edge of the tub.
2. When I eat my favorite ice cream.
3. When I take the time to read and write poetry.
4. When I listen to loud music in my car and sing along and act silly so everyone on the road can see.
5. When I walk through autumn leaves.
5 Ways I Enjoy Others:
1. When I listen to my husband laughing uproariously as he listens to a cheesy comedy show every morning.
2. When I watch my husband eat and enjoy a meal I've prepared.
3. When I see my dog delight in any weather, but especially the snow.
4. When I see kids get excited to play with my dog.
5. When my friends and I joke and laugh together
I love that first quote. It reminds me of what I heard once: when someone dies, the pallbearers carry 8 different people to the grave, in that one person.
5 ways I enjoy myself:
1. starting a poem
2. breathing meditation
3. going out to take photographs
4. listening to music with my eyes closed
5. being in bed, going to sleep, waking up and going back to sleep
5 ways I enjoy others:
1. connecting with blog friends around the world
2. cooking a meal for someone who really enjoys it
3. sharing a poem or a photograph that someone really connects with
4. seeing my children become amazing people
5. being with my husband, whatever we're doing
Thankyou Heather and Ruth,
You both have given me more for my list.
I enjoy making lists, as well. Some of the joy of even thinking about joy comes through.
You have some really amazing people here. I am glad to be among them. You have some good concepts here and I enjoy reading them and commenting. Thanks for letting me into your circle of friends. LOL... I am not this good at making friends in person but I can over the internet for some reason. Its just plain weird. Tweets.
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