"Don't take anything personally.
Refuse to eat emotional poison. Taking things personally makes you prey for predators. They can hook your attention with one little opinion, and feed you whatever poison they want.
Refuse to eat poison."
~Don Miguel Ruiz
The Four Agreement Wisdom Group will meet again on Thursday afternoon with focus on part of the Circle of Fire prayer:
"We will live our lives with gratitude, love. loyalty. and justice
beginning with ourselves."
~Don Miguel Ruiz
peace and love
Well, this is one that is so meaningful to me...after havinga person harrass me on-line for over a year. It's also very poignant regarding something on one of my bookclubs...I posted about the NYT's doing a blurb on my McCarthy bookclub...at my blog. The WEbmaster had said now that people felt there was poison on the forum and set about a zero tolerance situation.
It's tough because people who are poisoned particularily this person who has been harassing me...has major personality disorders: sociopath and NPD.
It sort of helps to understand that people who go around dumping on others are sick...and they are the ones who are really sufering. It's one thing to know this and another to keep it in perspective.
When we refuse to eat poison, we are taking a major stand...and it can start to affect all levels of our life. We get strong enough to help others. You know are are healthy or on the road to recovery when you are helping others. Also, you might open your self up to things liek not eating poison in our food...not buying food grown with poison...instead buying organic food...and therefore eating food that is also better for your mood.
Having standards and boundaries that do not allow poison on any level is a revolutionary community act.
We involve ourselves and teach our kids to do volunteer work to help protect others less fortunate from having poison too.
Hi Candy,
wow, you have lived through an extreme case of poison. It sounds like it is behind you now...(?)
The other subject ties in nicely, as usual,....
in order to prevent myself from being hooked by others or the predator in my own mind, I can focus on living my life with gratitude, love, loyalty and justice.
Noticing in every moment am I treating myself with one of these precepts.
Wow both of you. I liked it. I was just going say that people love when you get the poison in life. Esp those that look at you like you have three ears or something. I mean I dont have anything as good as Candy but life has taken its toll on me in its own ways. People get an idea and run with it and then they forget that the person they are talking about have feelings. Its just plain weird. Sorry ranting and rambling again.
I love that photo!
That's Buffy and her Human, "Scotia".
You always have the best cat pictures!
This is a challenging agreement, but I've been doing pretty well with it. It's meant changing or eliminating relationships, which has been hard.
I think Wandering coyote is on to something...that sometimes it actually means changing or ending relationships. sometimes thats what it takes to live by a decent standard.
Loyalty and Justice to OURSELVES first. So, yes, I agree that sometimes that means letting go or changing a relationship.
Refuse to eat poison.
I am going to write tht in big bold letters and pin it on every available surface so i can remind myself of that.
Furthermore, i promise to stop feeding myself poison.
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