The 3 points of healing are Truth, Forgiveness and Self-love.
-page 178, from The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
On Wednesday afternoon we will discuss the card,
"Accept others the way they are, you cannot change other people.
To try to change them to fit what you want them to be is like trying to change a dog into a cat, or a cat into a horse. They are what they are and you are what you are."
~ from The Mastery of Love, by Don Miguel Ruis
peace and love
You cant change the stripes on a tiger so you cant change what a person is but people still try that one everytime they get a chance. Its just not fair really but they do try.
Its almost funny how we continue to do habits that are ineffectual or damaging.
Well, it's funny because I think the odd obsession to want to change someone else is really a desire to change those things in ourselves. One of the best ways to inspire compoassion or transformation in others is to act how we want others to act.
Of course...there is nothing wrong with letting others know what we wish they would change...but often we forget they might tell US what they'd like us to change in ourselves heh heh!
Yeah. like the Gandhi quote: "Be the change you want to see."
And it is arguing with reality when I want someone to change who they are.
But I do think there is a time and place for feedback about behaviour.
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