My dear friend Leah has been blessed with a swallows nest in her carport. Believe it or not, there are 4 fledglings in this nest. Wow, its getting crowded. Part of Shamanism is working with Animal Spirits. "We are many.....and will take a moment.........our wisdom will appear to you before we do."

According to the website,
Working With Animal Spirits Swallow's wisdom include: Is closely related to the Thunderbird, Power of communal living, understands the value of family and home, protection, agility and ability to maneuver
When you see swallows over a stream, it usually means that there are mayflies or caddis flies emerging, which means that trout are gobbling flies, because the swallows eat the same bugs that trout do. I love how the cycles of fish, birds, animals and plants connect.
"I love how the cycles of fish, birds, animals and plants connect."
....and by the sounds of it, there YOU are, connecting to that circle of life through observation (and fly fishing....?)
I have always been aware of the messengers of nature like birds and other animals. I've always been keen to learn more. I don't know if my branch of Buddhism favours that, but I don't see how it would conflict with my religious beliefs. I have recently seen a few robins (out of season a bit).
Wow, those babies are adorable. Good wishes to them and to you. I firmly believe that animals are higher beings. My dog Diesel proves this. :) Although he would probably think those swallow babies were tasty. Ugh!
It is always so powerful to be witness to these life cycles in Nature. I see that you're from BC, so you'll know how keenly we anticipate a week's vacation on Vancouver Island the first week of October. Donica and I anticipate long periods of just resting and watching the wildness around us.
Thanks for "crossing over" from Ruth's blog to mine yesterday. That meant a lot :)
I just went to the site you linked and looked up the coyote. I knew some of the traits and some of them are different from what another shamanic friend of mine has told me. It's always good to have coyote information. Wandering Coyote is a medicine name I dreamed, and as I grow into my name I try to see how coyote traits can help me on my journey.
I don't see why not, animals are very accepting of "what is"...very Buddha like in my mind. (absolutely no disrespect intended) because like
I agree that animals are valuable. Maybe because they incite Love.
That is very cool that you are coming to Vancouver Island, what part? what are you up to? Anbd it was My Pleasure to visit your blog!
Wandering Coyote,
I wondered about youir choice of name. That is very beautiful. As for the varying traits, I think that is where each of us can use our discernment of what applies to ourselves and what doesn't. I believe part of the teaching is to listen to our own inner voice and guidance and come up with our own insights as to what they mean.
And to keep listening because it keeps changeing and thats ok.
I've done that with the bluebird, which now represents for me communication (and also Krishnamurti -- and that's a story . . .).
Do tell!
thanks for the comments! I love animals (i'm a vegetarian). Do you know Eden Hertzog? I'm mean I only know ONE shaman, so chances are....
Talk to you soon...
Ok . . if you insist.:) I had asked the Universe to reveal my soul animals within a couple days of what happened next. I was recording some meditations in my own voice from a book, so I could just put a CD on, close my eyes, listen, and meditate. I was in the computer room with the door closed to keep out other house noises. Don came and interrupted, apologizing, saying a bluebird had come to the basketball hoop by the garage. Never had a bluebird come so close to the house, and that it came right when I was recording a meditation, made me open to the bluebird being associated with communication(the blue chakra is associated with communication). Then, several other times, when I was reading Krishnamurti texts, I would look out the window and see a bluebird on the phone line. I would only read K once a day, for just a few minutes. And the bluebirds rarely came close to the house. So I began making the association.
Wow, animals really can seem to open us up huh?
They don't seem to judge us, but accept our existence. If only we could do that too? And allow animals to live too.
These are great pics, I am impressed you were able to look into their nest. I love their shiny eyes.
Tanya, It is really only the contemporary christian religion that thinks animals don't have a soul.
Asian religions and their scientists have been long advocates of "animal culture" and "animal intelligince".
For some reason, christians think animals are souless, perhaps the idea of dominance and authorship of Adam naming the animals...gave this this idea animals even needed a name, ha ha. and the idea of "stewardship" is a particularily arrogant notion I think. Born from agriculture and manipulating plants and animals to grow and harvest food.
Silly humans...food was always FREE!!! Until we messed around with it and locked it up...
I don't know Eden Hertzog....though now I have googled her. Singer songwriter and baker extraordinaire?
Great Story. Blue birds are so beautiful too.
"Silly humans...food was always FREE!!! Until we messed around with it and locked it up..."
I so agree.
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