Saturday, December 23, 2006

Winter Solstice 2006

Not the best photo .....but it was dusk and I was far away, ....I should have used a tripod.
On December 21st at 4:22 pm some friends and I walked down to the Stone Table and lit candles (as seen here).
We said some nice words and sang a beautiful song. We hadn't planned it, it all came together spontaneously and it was wonderful.
Before that we had spent some time discussing Pagans, Yule and Solstice. Then as synchronicity would have it my friend posted this on her blog. (just click on the word, "this")
4 hours later, I went out to feed the horses and the candles were still lit!!
They were twinkling away just like Christmas lights.


Wandering Coyote said...

Beautiful! I'm glad you did something meaningful on this day. I did a tarot reading, which is my small way of celebrating. In the past, I've had a couple of Solstice feasts instead of a Christmas feast, and it was always a good time. Happy holidays to you.

thehealingroom said...

Hi Wandering Coyote,
Thanks for the good wishes,

I relate so muich more to the Pagan celebrations. I think the information should be more accessible.
Observing the natural rythyms of the earth just is, it is not a story or a is just happening regardless of what the humans are doing.

Wandering Coyote said...

Oh, I totally agree with you. I'd much rather celebrate something natural and earth related than something imposed upon me by society, which tend to be completely unnatural in my opinion. I have found quite a bit of info online about all the sabbats, but I find the reliability of it iffy at times.