"Don't Make Assumptions.
Learn to ask questions. It is always better to ask questions than to make assumptions. Have the courage to ask questions until you are as clear as you can be. Once you hear the answer to a question, you won't have to make assumptions because you will know the truth."
~Quote from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Next Thursday afternoon's group will be contemplating:
"You no longer have the need to be good enough for anybody, including yourself. You accept what you are, whatever you are, even if you don't know what you are. And you don't care to know anymore. It's not important to know, and that is wisdom."
~Quote from Voice of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz
This is the one agreement I really struggle with! Please feedback any insights from your meeting - I would be keen to learn anything you may discover.
I love this one. It is not easy to practice, but I'm working on it. It reminds me of the Andrew Cohen quote of the week I got today:
When you locate the non relative or absolute nature of consciousness in the deepest depths of your own self, you will discover and directly experience the source of enlightenment or spiritual freedom. As you awaken to the ground of your own being, you will find that consciousness is experienced as knowing. It is not a cognitive understanding—not knowing anything particular, but knowing itself. It is a clarity that is empty of content; a weightiness that is full of nothing in particular; a profound knowing that, because of its absolute nature, is experienced as being of ultimate value and meaning. This kind of knowing dissolves all questions, because the experience of that empty ground is the answer—the one answer that always liberates each and every one of us. That answer renders the mind utterly impotent. In that questionless state, you are profoundly rooted and radically free, supported by an absolute confidence in the knowing of no-thing that changes everything.
Hi Tanya,
We had a good meeting. One insight, is that most of us perceive through our senses and then interpret through our own particular conditioning or filter system.....So we really are not percieving what is real at all to begin with. Having awareness and being comfortable with Not Knowing is a step to percieving beyond the senses.
Hi Ruth,
What a great quote. It describes it quite nicely. I am getting very comfortable with Not Knowing and it alleviates so many problems.
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