One of my favourite things to do is make a List of things that I am grateful for.
In no particular order;
- Amazing supportive and inspiring friends
- My loving loyal pets
- The drumming circle
- The river
- The ocean
- Wilderness outside my door
- The stone table
- Growing awareness of unconditional love
- My talented and loving children
On Tuesday evening, the moderator chose a quote from the book, "Mastery of Love" by Don Miguel Ruiz;
"Every relationship becomes a living being made by two dreamers."
On Thursday afternoon, we will look at one of the core ethics of the Wisdom Group;
"We know that what is false will ultimately collapse, but what is true will always remain true. We also know that we can only give what we have; we cannot give what we do not have."
peace and love
On Tuesday evening, we will be contemplating the quote from "The Voice of Knowledge" by Don Miguel Ruiz:
"Don't believe yourself. Don't believe the storyteller, the voice of knowledge in your head, especially when the voice is going against you. Listen to yourself, listen to your story, but don't believe it because the story you are writing is mostly fiction. It isn't real."
On Thursday afternoon, we will consider the quote from "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz:
"Always do your best. Stay in the present moment. Keep your attention on today, and stay in the present moment. This is the beginning of a new understanding, a new dream."
I named my Art Gallery and Studio, "Gift Horse". I got the inspiration from my long time horse friend, Kisha.
I got Kish when he was 6 years old. He died at the age of 37. He was the longest intimate relationship that I ever had.
When he died, I made a vow in honor of his spirit that I would return to my art work. So in loving memory of Angel Kish, I named my business Gift Horse Ceramics. (which is also a blog)
Please check out this You Tube video.
He calls himself, Lorenzo, the Flying French Man, and he has great skill with these horses.
They look just like my horse that I had for 30 years. We acheived a rapport similiar to this, because we spent day after day with each other.
Last year, I read the book "Eyes of an Angel" written by a former mayor of Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Intrigued to know more, I looked him up on the internet, and as Serendipity would have it, he had moved to Vancouver Island, an hour's drive north of me. His name is Paul Elder
and he had gone on to training at the Monroe Institute
to become a teacher using "hemi-sync" methods.
Anyway, here he was, as close as can be, offering workshops in his home. Last weekend, 2 friends and I drove up and spent a great day with him.
It was just an introductory workshop, in Breathwork and Past life regression. I loved the breathwork. It was a great support for the other work that I am doing with the "Presence Process", which involves Conscious Connected Breathing.
We lay down on super comfy mattresses, with pillows and blankets, in complete darkness, surrounded by my dear friends, then he played the hemi-sync music as we did the breathwork. And it WAS work!
But I perservered and I am so glad that I did. Like in other meditations that I have done, or Dreaming work- like the toltecs-
I slipped into, what I call, my divinity. Pure ecstasy. Bliss.
Thankyou for the opportunity Paul!
It is so fun to see other points of view and to try different tools from time to time.
Tuesday evening:
"Imagine that you have permission to be happy and to really enjoy your life."
Thursday afternoon:
"Don't make assumptions. Say goodbye to sadness and drama. All the sadness and drama you have lived in your life was rooted in making assumptions and taking things personally. The whole world of control between humans is based on that. Take a moment and consider this."
His nickname is Tree Bee. hmmmm.
My long time friend who lives in England now, came out to the westcoast for a visit.
I picked him up at the ferry and I drove him up island to his parents home. We stopped for a lovely walk at this gorgeous beach. It was so windy and cold that we walked through the forest along side the ocean.
It was sheltered from the cold and the trees were very magical.
On Tuesday evening when we get together, we will be considering the following quote from the book, "Voice of Knowledge" by Don Miguel Ruiz.
"Every human is an artist, a storyteller with a unique point of view.
When we see ourselves as artists, we no longer feel the need to impose our story on others or to defend what we believe. We know that every artist has the right to create his own art."
On Thursday afternoon, the volunteer facilitator picked the quote from the same book,
"I love myself unconditionally.
With my attention focused on love, I justify and explain everything I perceive through the eyes of love. This makes it easy to feel unconditional love for all of the secondary characters in my story."
Through a series of weird happenings I ended up having my hair dyed a dark red. How appropriate to start the New Year with a fresh pallette.
I went to an overnight retreat on New Year's Eve where we did some inner work using music and silence throughout the day and night. Our facilitator was trained by Don Miguel Ruiz and she is also a music therapist so we were doubly blessed.
One of the highlights for me. was laying on the floor (comfortably with pillows and a blanket) and listening to the CD, "Rumi" by Deepak Chopra, played nice and loud on an exceptional sound system. I was completely transported and I think I am still altered to this day.
Its home. My neighbour/drum teacher finished making my drum!
I asked him to make it out of the lightest weight wood and to have a fluffy skin.
I did the painting myself. I like colour.
I named the drum, "White Bunny"
What I cannot convey to you here, with the written word is the sound of the drum. Its incredible! It has a big booming base and sharp high notes as well.
Thankyou Bill, you did a wonderful job.