Sunday, July 09, 2006

Imaginings from Living the 4 Agreements

  1. Imagine that you can see everything with the eyes of love. Love will give you peace. There is no need to suffer.
  2. Imagine that the message of love is possible and you will find that it is yours.
  3. Imagine that you have permission to be happy and to really enjoy your life.
  4. Imagine expressing what you want without fear, choosing what you want without doubt, and moving into action with commitment from every part of your being.
  5. Imagine living your life without being afraid to take a risk and explore life.
  6. Imagine what your life would be like if you were not afraid to lose anything.
  7. Imagine living your life without the fear of being judged by others.
  8. Imagine living your life without judging others.
  9. Imagine living without fear of loving and not being loved in return. You are no longer afraid to be rejected, and you don't have the need to be accepted.
  10. Imagine that you love yourself just the way you are.


Tamarai said...

OOOOHH! Number 6 resonates with me... something I need to work on

Thanks for sharing this.

thehealingroom said...

Hi Tanya,
At this moment, sitting with IMAGINING these scenarios is what I can muster.
(But its a very good first step.)


Red said...

I like the way you chose to illustrate this post with a picture of animals. (Are they your pets? They're gorgeous!)

I like to think that animals probably already do live according to these imaginings and that we humans could learn a lot from them.

But then, if embracing those suggestions seems hard, it's probably the curse/blessing of having overcome instinct with rationality.

Anonymous said...

Oooo, your dogs are so beautiful. They are definitely higher beings.

thehealingroom said...

Hi Red,
Yes, I picked this picture on purpose. They are my masters of unconditional living.
Heather, This is our dog and cat. (But she just looks like fur, I know.) Courage and Buffy. Just groovin' in the sun.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I noticed that it was a cat too late. I'd already posted my comment. I feel like a dork. :) The kitty and doggie are lovely. My Deezie is taking a nice snooze on the couch right now. You didn't name your kitty after Buffy the Vampire Slayer, did you? :)

thehealingroom said...

actually, yes, we did name her after Buffy, it was a group decision with my son and daughter, years ago when the show was on its first run.
I'm still waiting to see the green and purple cake. :)

thehealingroom said...

And Courage we named partially after the song "Courage" by The Tragically Hip and the cartoon, "Courage, the Cowardly Dog". (Another group decision)

Ruth said...

I so appreciate Don Miguel for introducing me to the idea of creating our world. We don't have to feed the parasite!

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