Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Down by the river..........

This spot on the river is visited by a group of men that have a retreat center within walking distance.

They built this cool fire pit.
I Love the face.

Leah built a fire while I wondered around looking for fire wood.

I ended up finding a bunch of fossils.

I was excited to find one...then another and another. It was a bed of shale that was starting to break apart and there was just a whole mess of them!

Nanaimo is known for its fossils anyway. Now I know why.

The fossils I found were mostly of leaves and ferns.

Another lovely day being blessed in Nature.



Timmer said...

That relaxing fire and hearth look great. The big face triangle stone is art!

thehealingroom said...

Hi Tim.
It is a great stone. I want to ask if they used charcoal for the drawing.

Tamarai said...

OK - that settles it. I am going to have to save up some money and come and visit you. Your surroundings are MAGNIFICENT!

I also love the face!

thehealingroom said...

Anytime Tanya!
I love visitors.

Anonymous said...

That firepit rocks! :) I love the face. I wonder how they created it? Wouldn't charcoal fade over time?

Candy Minx said...

I love outdoor fires so much. I love cold winter days, remember when we used to pack some soup in thermos and go for walks? I just love being outside when it's freezing...oh what a great fire!

thehealingroom said...

nice to see you here, Tanushree,

Heather, I want to ask them...I kinda think charcaol would smudge..it must be something else

Candy, aBsolutely! I can't eat soup out of a thermos without thinking of those times. We had it right, didn't we?

Anonymous said...

I have a fossil of na fern leaf down in Brian's room from Placerville. They are really neat things to find - so very old' Mom

thehealingroom said...

Hi Mom,

Yes, I remember that one, it is very beautiful.