Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Presence Process

I just started reading a book called "The Presence Process; A Healing Journey into Present Moment Awareness" by Michael Brown.
As synchronicity would have it, his personal story parallels mine.
I have had a debilitating painful condition for years and have been on a healing journey myself which led me to similiar circumstances as he describes in his book.
I am excited about reading it as he now no longer has the dibilitating condition that caused him so much pain.
Reading the book is a Process, it is not just a book. His intention is that doing the process will be enough and therefore it won't be necessary to seek out a teacher ect.
So far, it is a natural progression from where I already am at. Completely complimentary to The Four Agreement work and Power of Now nudges I have received.


Tamarai said...

That book sounds really interesting! I think I should get my hands on a copy. I appreciate the suggestion!

thehealingroom said...

Please let me know if you do Tanya. Perhaps we could be supportive to each other for the process.
I looked for it in bookstores to no avail and finally ordered it on line. It arrived in 3 days, I was surprised.

Candy Minx said...

I'm going to go check this out okay? It may take me a while to get my hadns on it, but I aminterested, Did I ever tell you I went with a friend to a medical intuitive that works with Bob? My friend had all her pain gone by the end of a group meditation!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen/read The Four Insights by Alberto Villoldo? I'm reading it now; talks about going to different levels for healing.

thehealingroom said...

Candy, Yes you told me about the medical intuitive, and I even hunted them down on the internet. Pretty interesting stuff. How is your friend in the long run?
Ruth, Yes, I have read some of Villoldo stuff and I know someone who had done some work with him. But I wasn't totally drawn to it.